Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Downton Abbey

Finally started season four. I'm so late! 

"No, as a Chinese laundryman."
Dowager Countress

"When you talk like that I'm tempted to ring for Nanny and send you to bed without supper"
Dowager Countess

Mr Molesley is one of my favorites. I hope he gets a job. 

Way to go Mr Bates, finding that IOU ;)

"Oh no. But if I were to search for logic I wouldn't look for it among the English upper class" 

Why, oh WHY would they do that to Anna!? She and Mr Bates have not been through enough drama? I can't...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Day 2014

So there is a LOTR marathon today. Guess I won't be doing much. A few observations:

Even though I know Gandalf comes back as Gandalf the White, I can't help but be upset when Gandalf the Grey dies. 

For some reason, they had to digitally enhance or even produce a tear on Frodos face after Gandalf dies. 

I wish I were an elf. 

It's hard to say who my favorite is, Aragorn or Legolas. 

Why does Sean Bean always have to die? Everything I see him in, he dies. 

Frodo does not deserve Sam. 

I was right...still not doing anything and the only thing that's changed it that now The Two Towers is on. 

How does Legolas always have arrows? Never ending supply of those things. 

Why couldn't those big bird/eagle things just fly someone over Mt Doom and drop it in?

Sometimes I wish Sam would just tell Frodo to stop being such a little p@!$#. 


My bow to no one.