Thursday, September 18, 2014


What's to say?

Shit happens. You change and grow and move on and sometimes you're whole world is thrown upside down. 
My world has been CRAZY since March. 
You think you're going to end up living one kind of life, a life not really like what you envisioned or dreamed for and then BAM an ex boyfriend comes out of nowhere 15 years later and has you thinking all kinds of things that precipitated the hurricane storm that came to be. 
True story. 

I'll tell it all one day. Perhaps in that book I've longed to write. 

My goals have definitely changed. I want to travel. I want to see things not a lot of people get to see. I want to be happy. Not by having enough money to pay the bills but by actually doing things that make me happy. I want a love that isn't constantly a battle. I just want happiness. I just want honesty. I just want peace and quiet and for the people I love to be happy. I just want to be outside. I just want to meet new people. I just want to take pictures and document as much as I can. 

I want a lot. 

Let's see if I can make it happen.

Go me. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Girls Gone Dead

What can I say. J and I came inside and the channel we had previously been watching had this movie on. So thinking it was going to be one of those cheesy premium cable "porn" movies. Some of them are quite entertaining in a funny kind of way. 

But this one. 

Takes. The. Cake. 

J and I laughed SO MUCH. 

I was so entertained by this movie because it was so over the top but then every once in a while, something would happen that had us both surprised. Like the end, the sheriff comes in and pile drives the killer and says "eat dirt, bitch!"

So many bad words that just came out of nowhere and interesting combinations of words. 

Did I mention, beetlejuice is in it? As in the African American little person from New Jersey. 

Side note: Jon just randomly said "shark week. Fu@$ yeah!"  It's not really too surprising as we watched Team America and also discussed shark week tonight. 

Back to the movie. 

So entertaining. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

More Downton excellence

"Im never excited" -daisy

"Is that American for hello?" -DCOG 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Random and funny.

This is how I get my husband to make a sandwhich for me: 

"The power of cleavage compels you" -Me

I am wearing a really low cut tank top. Not usually my style. 

I got my sandwhich. 

I've realized this is going to be a place for just random thoughts that I hopefully can compile someday or use in something I've written. The only way to get better is to practice, right? 

I love the little goats. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow day

I really tried to go I work today. It was just too scary. It looks really shitty out there and it's not worth it. So I'm making beer bread. 
Jealous? I'll let you know how jealous you should be in about 40 minutes. 

Brrr. It looks cold out there. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Oh, hubs 😂

Jon's been growling at me like a bear for some reason. So I finally said "you miss playing with Carson huh?" He goes "no...well...wanna play toro?" Lol

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Roller coaster

I am living and I am breathing. And I am thankful for it. 

The week (maybe more than a week) of the emotional roller coaster is what January 30, 2014 - February 10, 2014 will be forever known as. 

I've lost someone who is very dear to me. Lots of people have lost someone who is very dear to them. One of my favorite people in the world lost her mother on February 5, 2014. 

Let me say, I love my mom. She's crazy and loud and isn't afraid to tell anyone anything. The complete opposite of me. But I love her. She's my mom. No matter what, she's always my mom. 

My friend, loved her mom more than anyone I've ever known has ever loved anyone, ever. The only words I have are I'm sorry. I'm sorry this is happening to you. I'm just sorry. It makes me cry. Sometimes knowing how much you are crying about it makes me cry. But I digress, enough about crying. 

Tomorrow, we will all get to meet Logan Lloyd. To quote one of my husbands favorite memes "such exciting! Much baby! Very wow!"

I can't wait to see him! I'm so excited for Hillary and Chris. And Carson! He's going to be a big brother! He's going to be a very good big brother. Much fun. Many brother. 

And then on Sunday I will get to see a very good friend! In the midst of a bad situation, why not find joy where you can? Followed by a viewing on Monday. Oh, that is going to be awful. I hope that I can help my friend get through this terrible time. I will try not to do if my usual way of making jokes. Well, maybe I will. I've been doing that for so long and she's still my friend, right? Maybe she likes it? Hmm. I wonder...

Anyway, she thinks I make some weird frog face. I have NO idea what she's talking about. 

I have a hard time saying the words out loud about feelings and things. "Writing them down" aka typing them on my iPhone, is much easier. So wow. 
The end. -Doge

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Downton Abbey

Finally started season four. I'm so late! 

"No, as a Chinese laundryman."
Dowager Countress

"When you talk like that I'm tempted to ring for Nanny and send you to bed without supper"
Dowager Countess

Mr Molesley is one of my favorites. I hope he gets a job. 

Way to go Mr Bates, finding that IOU ;)

"Oh no. But if I were to search for logic I wouldn't look for it among the English upper class" 

Why, oh WHY would they do that to Anna!? She and Mr Bates have not been through enough drama? I can't...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Day 2014

So there is a LOTR marathon today. Guess I won't be doing much. A few observations:

Even though I know Gandalf comes back as Gandalf the White, I can't help but be upset when Gandalf the Grey dies. 

For some reason, they had to digitally enhance or even produce a tear on Frodos face after Gandalf dies. 

I wish I were an elf. 

It's hard to say who my favorite is, Aragorn or Legolas. 

Why does Sean Bean always have to die? Everything I see him in, he dies. 

Frodo does not deserve Sam. 

I was right...still not doing anything and the only thing that's changed it that now The Two Towers is on. 

How does Legolas always have arrows? Never ending supply of those things. 

Why couldn't those big bird/eagle things just fly someone over Mt Doom and drop it in?

Sometimes I wish Sam would just tell Frodo to stop being such a little p@!$#. 


My bow to no one.